
What a mess can it it be in the kayak. Not only carrying stinking shirts, underwear and forgotten food but also a lot of smelling seaweed and little black stones everywhere. So we cleaned all day, found a washing machine and the caretaker from the campsite helped out with putting up a whashing line cross town, so I could dry al the stuff. We are camping in the middle of the town. Thats how things work here.

Yesterday evening we enjoyed ourselves in the local pub meeting locals and went to a after party. Not that good for our condition but very good for the mind. We talked about the differences between the countries, politics and football. How could we loose that quick in European contest. We think it was because of the lucky dolls we got from the supermarket so we gave them away and as you can see one of them found a good place.

Anyway tomorrow at sea again. We will see if we can round the north this week and start the east coast.

We heard that there is a bit of a problem with giving comment on our blog. Because we like your comments very much. Please when its not working send it to

4 Responses

  1. karel

    hoi marian even kijken of het werkt en have a good one

  2. Gerard

    Hai overthere!
    A long rainy weekend in Holland. And we passed the longest day already. Must be a lot of daylight in Iceland now. We follow your trip every day and are curious to know everything about that strange and wild world you are rounding. Another week to come! For you to go east en than south, for us: on to the 85th birthday of our mother. Wish both of you a prosperous and healthy week.
    Many greetings,

  3. Axel

    Where are you (GPS wise)? If I am to update the map, GPS locations would be helpful with the blog posts or otherwise.

  4. Anonymous

    Beste Paul en Marian,
    Met veel belangstelling volg ik jullie tocht. Heb grote bewondering voor jullie moed. Leuke film met die meeuwen. Hoop dat jullie plezier hebben (zag er zo wel uit). Coördinaten zijn handig om jullie te volgen. Veel succes!!! Fons